Announcing your Engagement - The perfect way to share your special news!!!

You’re excited, bursting with love and can’t wait to tell the world ‘We’re engaged!’, but hold up just a sec…how should you go about it? How do you be true to yourselves and keep the excitement without getting Mum offended, Cousin Sally mad she found out through Facebook and an outpour of instant questions and instructions. Well, read on…

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First and foremost, take a moment to enjoy the moment together before you tell anyone. One of the things people can regret most is getting so caught up in the moment and the excitement, that they don’t enjoy it together first. It’s also a good idea to talk to each other about how you’d like to announce it. There’s nothing worse than one of you jumping online before the other has had a chance to tell their best mate.

This is your moment together, so handle it that way too.

If you have a good relationship with your parents, it’s likely they’ll want to be the first to know. Do the right thing here and try and tell them in person if possible as they’ll want to celebrate with you and hear all the details! If you can’t see them in person, call them!

It’s important to note here that you should absolutely tell your parents to keep the news on the hush if you haven’t told other important people in your lives yet. As much as Mum can’t wait to get on the phone to all her friends, you probably want some of your nearest and dearest to hear the news first.

Depending on the relationship both of your families have, you might even find it appropriate to tell them both together. If your parents are divorced, tell them separately but make sure you tell them close together so they don’t get offended.

The only exception to the whole parents first rule (generally) is if you have children. This applies to children together and those from previous relationships.

You want them to be the first to know to not only feel included, but also to give them time to adjust. If they’re your children together, then this engagement will likely be music to their ears, followed by a lot of excitement. But, if either of you have children from a previous relationship, it’s likely they will need a little time adjusting to this news. Often it is best to tell them what’s happening away from your partner so they can react a little more naturally. Plus, it means your partner isn’t left standing there very awkwardly if they protest against your engagement.

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Outside of the parents and kids realm, it’s likely your siblings will be just as excited. Remember that this news means your partner is now officially their family too so include them in the excitement. Some people even like to have a family get together with all of these important people to celebrate before they spread the news and are bombarded with friends wanting to catch up and hear all about it.

Often forgotten, but definitely just as excited are grandparents. If you’re lucky enough to have them around, make sure you give them a call. They’ll be over the moon and it’s much nicer they find out directly from you than from your parents.

Now, we love the cutesy Social Media announcements just as much as the next person, but make sure you’ve checked off the list of people you feel like you should tell first, and that you haven’t forgotten anyone!

Is your best mate likely to be offended if she sees it up on Instagram but knew nothing about it? We’d think yes. Although it is a great way to share your exciting news and becoming an increasingly popular way to announce your Engagement, we’ve all definitely got a list of at least a few people we should probably tell before shouting it to the world on Instagram or Facebook.

But, really. It’s about what best suits you as a couple, after all this is the start of your next adventure together. 


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It’s likely you both have an idea about what will be best and can work together to share the news in the perfect way. We’re sure it’ll be a pretty welcome discussion over a few glasses of Champagne - after all, first and foremost is your own celebration!

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