Announcing your Engagement - The perfect way to share your special news!!!
You’re excited, bursting with love and can’t wait to tell the world ‘We’re engaged!’, but hold up just a sec…how should you go about it? How do you be true to yourselves and keep the excitement without getting Mum offended, Cousin Sally mad she found out through Facebook and an outpour of instant questions and instructions. Well, read on… First and foremost, take a moment to enjoy the moment together before you tell anyone. One of the things people can regret most is getting so caught up in the moment and the excitement, that they don’t enjoy it together first. It’s also a good idea to talk to each other about how you’d like to announce it. There’s nothing worse than one of you jumping online before the other has had a chance to tell their best mate. This is your moment together, so handle it that way too. If you have a good relationship with your parents, it’s likely they’ll want to be the first to know. Do the right thing here and try and tell them in person if p...